Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tips on Writing a Story

These are just some of the tips I used in writing:

If you’re making a story, or stuff like that, it is best to come up with plans more on a plot, a synopsis of events. By that, your story will go smoothly the way you plan it to be. 
Though, I create a plot but then I end up not following it. Troublesome. Hehe.
Anyways, if you’re already done with your plot of course you have to think of a title, a good one for your said story. 
In making a title, make it unique, different from the other so that your story could be easily distinguished. 
Put this in mind: Don’t make a title way too long.
Honestly, I won’t have the urge to read a story with a title like: “I’m dating a sizzling hot guy which later on, I found out to be gay.” See? You just exposed what your story is all about.
If possible, make it simple and at the same time catchy. It makes readers want to read your story just by reading the title. A captive title is the first thing you need in order to make your story somewhat known. Just like “Twilight”. Do you know that it’s about vampires and werewolves?Well,  that’s the point you don’t have to reveal so much with just the title.  
For the characters, well I’m not good at creating names and such so I don’t have much to say. On the contrary, even though I’m not good at it I’d observed something from others’ works.
First, their story’s plot was somewhat like a fairy tale- If you know what I mean. 
Second, the leading lady usually role play a damsel-in-distress, waiting for her prince to come and save her whilst the leading man was going to be the prince or something like that, as expected. He’s going to be the knight in shining armour.
Being the leading lady, her character was beyond kind, if ever that was possible and caring, loving and somewhat martyr. While the leading man would be a man of his words, with pride that holds such authority, gentleman and all that. In short, some traits that all girls could ask for can be found to the latter. And then they live happily ever after. Make it more realistic.
Come on people. Aren’t you tired of a Cinderella kind of story or other waltz Disney’s creation? Yes, Disney’s creation was way beyond an ordinary people could ever think of. It’s one of the best. But then, readers may want something new rather something extraordinary and has yet to be created.
Just like “Shrek”, what’s good about this movie is that not all fairy tale ends with what you expect it to be. The leading man wasn’t a prince to begin with and the leading lady was not all beauty, she’s half ogre. In the end they were still ogres and that true love’s kiss can’t break a spell, they just found true love that’s all. But see to it that even though they badly want to be humans, they just can’t but they still live happily. Honestly, I love how the creator had worked his mind to come up with something like that, unexpected.
Make a story that was originally yours, something worth reading.
Though, you can get some ideas from other stories. It can be of great help too. Just make it different that you can call it your own.
To start a story, please don’t begin your story with a “once upon a time” ‘cause I’m not buying it. It’s like you’re making a bed time stories for kids. And also, you may want to avoid starters with how the weather was fine or a ring of the clock. Believe me; I’ve done that before when I was just a beginner.
Oh, and there’s one thing: Don’t let your readers know that you’re just a beginner or an amateur. They may not want to read your stories.
If ever you begin your story with a prologue. Just make it short but meaty.
If you have a good start and that the beginning of your story was somewhat interesting then you can easily gain readers. Make an effort on the first part and the rest will be as good as it is.
My English professor once said: 
“If you have a poor introduction, then readers won’t read the rest of your work, even if it’s good.
Furthermore, leave the parts that readers intend on skipping. Why do you have to write a part that you think other people won’t mind reading? It’s a waste of space and effort. That’s why I’m tired of making a long author’s note, because readers won't even take a second to look at it. Otherwise, if you think it is really a part of your story and that it is important then include it.
Hope this helps.

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Your's Truly, BrotherAce

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