Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to Overcome Writer's Block

Hello to my fellow writers and readers who might be reading this. First and foremost, I don’t know what the heck move me to write these stuffs. Out of my boredom, I published another blog which is merely about random things that comes to my mind even though I should be working my butt to update my story but instead this is what I wrote.
And yep, this is all about as the title says "Writer’s Block" - Author/Writer’s worst enemy.

One who has this can’t work out of his wits to do his job done. I’ve been fighting this one helluvah writer’s block in order to finish my works in wattpad. (A/N: I'm a self-proclaimed author in wattpad, not that it's illegal since anybody can write their own stories.) But I can’t seem to find a way to get over with it. You know the feeling? You badly want to write stories but none came out of your head. I’m not saying this as an excuse for not updating for so long. It’s just that I run out of ideas on how to write my stories. Of course I can’t just write some crap and publish it and say it’s done. It’s like as if I’m giving away my shits.
Many writers/authors may have experienced this –a lot. How many stories are there put on-hold/hiatus? And how many readers have been waiting for the finished works or even just for a single update? It’s a responsibility of the writer, author, or an artist to finish what he started not just for the sake of the readers but for the sake of their profession and dignity as well. We ought to finish what we started, of what we love doing.
These are some ways on how to deal with Writer’s Block. It just came to my mind so I wrote it. And here it is:

1.       Set one Goal at a time - When I’m in the verge of finishing my stories and other works at home, in school, I lost my focus. Maybe because I have too much going on in my life as a student and as a writer. There are too many things needed to be done at a time. I mean there’s this chores at home, assignment and exams from school and of course my story that needs an update. I’m much distracted maybe because I try to accomplish too many goals at once. So try to focus on one goal at a time. For a student and an author [in wattpad] like me, during school days just focus on your studies and then when there’s time try updating once in a while. Choose one goal and focus on it completely. You can always do the other if you accomplished one of your goals. There’s always tomorrow. We don’t live for just a day, do we?

2.       Find Inspiration – In order to do things, one needs an inspiration. I’m thinking about this for too long. There’s no doubt I’m inspired but how come there’s still this annoying writer’s block bugging me? Anyways, I get my inspiration from people who achieved what I want to achieve. Should I name them? Let’s see, there’s SGwannaB who wrote “She’s Dating the Gangster” and forgottenglimmer who wrote “Secretly Married”. If you’re a regular wattpad reader, then I bet you knew these people if not go and read their works. It’s worth your time. Anyways, if you can’t find your inspiration then look for it. Eventually, it’ll come to you. Try reading other’s works or watch movies. By then you’ll find inspiration. Just like what I’m doing now. I watch lots of movies more often when I don’t feel like writing.

3.       Be motivated – of course when goal and inspiration are all present then what you need next is a motivation. How? Get excited with what you’re about to accomplish. I don’t know if this helps, but it work with me. Whenever I set my goal and by just thinking of what I might achieve I get a little bit excited about it. Of course, motivation is not a constant thing. It may come and go. But don’t worry yourself too much if your little bit of motivation escape from you. It eventually comes and goes –and comes and goes again. Like a cycle. Just don’t give up if you don’t feel motivated enough to finish your goal. Just take a rest for a while because just like what I said, motivation will come to you. Be patient with yourself.

4.       Take a small step at a time-. If you are having a hard time finishing what you started it may be because you’re thinking too big. Just take it easy. Start small, really small. Just take one small step at time. Let’s say, you can’t pull all your ideas together and put it into writing. Then take a break and then get back. Just finish what you can and do it again tomorrow. There’s no rushing you, is there? Why do you think building a mansion takes more than a year to finish it? That’s because it can’t be done for just a day. It needs time. Success can’t be achieved in just a couple of days. It is never that easy. If you achieve it too early and too easy then you don't succeed.......yet.

 5.       Stick with it –whatever you do, don’t give up. Even if you are not feeling any motivation today, or this week. Just stick with what you started and finish it. Don’t ever give up with what you love doing.
Overcoming Writer’s Block is not that easy as it seems. Until now, I don’t know what to do about it but I’m certain that I can deal with it in no time. I’m just preparing myself when that time comes. I’ll read some tips and some advice of how to make a good story in order to improve my skills in writing. I’ll get some ideas from movies that I’d watch. Hopefully, it’ll help me making my current story in progress [Alter Ego]. I’m also planning on making another story but since I’m stuck on this state, it’ll take time.
That's it for now. I'll be spending my vacation sitting on a comfy chair with my laptop on, thinking what to do this summer. Geez, Summer will end so quickly. It’s like a blink of an eye and –voila- School days again. Maybe the next update of this “Life of a Frustrated Writer” would be about school and stuffs. Who knows what will come to my mind? Anyways, thanks for reading this. [if there’s any]

 *This is originally published on wattpad, but I just want to share it with you guys... I just edited some parts.

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Your's Truly, BrotherAce

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